For some reason lately I've been thinking about KARMA. You know that belief that one's behavior good or bad will turn around and come right back at them. Those who are truly good people, good things will happen to them, and those who are not.....well you get the picture.
I've been thinking about all the people around me and the things that are happening in their lives right now. I think that Wendy is such a good person and deserves so much better than she's getting right now. Maybe it just takes a little time and when you least expect it something wonderful will happen. As for Russ, I don't wish any harm to befall him but I do wish he is miserable with his choices and feels guilt for the rest of his life. I hope he is as unhappy as he has made everybody else. Wendy I hope you don't mind me mentioning you in my little rant. I love you and hate to see how sad you are right now.
Another example that makes me so angry are those soulless people out in cyberspace that steal money from so many unsuspecting and trusting people. They could care less who they hurt as long as they make a quick buck. I read so many stories recently about single mothers
working two jobs just to make ends meet and along comes a smooth talker making very persuasive promises to help provide a better life. There goes the very last cent of savings and there goes what's left on the credit card. What did the family get in return? NOTHING. Not a darn thing. Those heartless jokers that just took food out of the mouths of that poor family make me so furious. How on earth do they sleep at night? I really hope karma roundhouse kicks them where the sun don't shine!
As for the good people in life, you all know who you are, I also
believe very highly in blessings. I would love nothing more than to see you all blessed with amazingly happy lives. I've heard a certain quote from several places but have no idea who came up with it "God blesses many people with riches and material items, BUT for those he truly loves, he blesses with contentment." There are so many people out there, myself included, that think "If I only had money I know it would solve all my problems and I could be happy." , but I have come to realize that my family and friends are what make me happy.
Thank you for letting me get on my soapbox and vent a little. You know there are some days where you just gotta let it all out. Today was that day for me. Love you all for stopping by!